Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Group Effort

Hospice combines the best in patient care

Hospice care is truly a multidisciplinary practice, taking the efforts of many, from trained professionals to compassionate volunteers, and combining it all to enable patients and their families to truly enjoy life for as long as possible. This quote from a guest commentary in Colorado's Daily Camera goes into more detail:

Truth be told, pain and symptom management -- though critical -- is merely one aspect of the care hospice provides to terminally ill individuals and their families. Those who choose hospice care also receive the emotional and spiritual support they need to fully live every day that remains at home, in comfort and with dignity, surrounded by their loved ones. In fact, through the expert and compassionate care of an interdisciplinary team (including a hospice and palliative care physician, registered nurse, certified nursing assistant, social worker, chaplain, and grief counselor) and a customized care plan based on respect for each individual's choices and goals, hospice helps patients and families find peace and meaning, strengthen personal relationships, and complete and celebrate life. All of which eases the burden for patients and their loved ones at what is understandably a difficult time of heightened family dynamics and differences.

Nobody wants to worry when they know that time is limited, and that's exactly what hospice takes care of. With all needs covered, those in hospice care are left to fully engage their friends and loved ones or participate in favorite activities, making the very best of what they have.

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